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Child & Women Development
Child Development
“Child adoption for education” Program:
In the view for child development the foundation has a program “child adoption for education” which is carried in the villages were the foundation has achieved its focus in the other issues. The child adoption for education program involves scholarships for education after 12th std., distribution of Books for the Higher secondary children from below poverty line. The selected children from the school who have above average IQ & capacity are provided with extra knowledge books. The special scholarship for higher overseas education is given only to the candidate who is needy and has completed the post graduate course.
Nourish a child & help him to grow well :
This program of the foundation is designed for the children who are found under nourished in the primary & secondary schools of the adopted villages. The under nourished children are detected by conducting yearly child health camps by expert medical faculty. In this program along with the one day meal in the school the foundation gives extra nutritional value medicines and aims to take care for the child health. Parallel to this mission regarding the child’s health, nutrition at home, a special awareness & counseling program is taken for the parents by the foundation.
Recreation & Vocational Program :
The children from 14 to 20 age group are exposed for the vocational subjects awareness program which helps them to focus on their future plan. The recreational activity involves all the age group children to participate in the activity of their choice. This program is carried mainly in the vacation.
Child begger free village :
In the foundations future plan of the adopted villages is to achieve a village free of beggers. In this activity any child found involved is counsel in several sessions and will be given appropriate environment to be a good citizen and keep in away from the thought of begging. A self employing training by the foundation is a major help in this program.
Lectures and Awareness Programs :
Foundation has been taking awareness program on hygiene awareness, adolescence guidance, moral responsibilities, and carrier guidance.

Women Development
The women from the different age groups are enriched with the foundations different programs of the women era.
Adolescence girls Awareness :

The girls are educated scientifically of their increasing age changing hormones, psychological behavior pattern attaining menarche. Due to all the changes there is a settle fear in the girls mind lot of questions regarding their physical changes and unwanted orthodox concepts in this particular age. Due to the awareness program the girls have a proper scientifically approach correct thoughts of mind and are emphasized with the Do’s & Don’ts which helps them to move in the society confidently, fearlessly, responsibly.
Premarital sexual education program :
The adolescence awareness program is also forward by the yearly premarital sexual education. The girls in the premarital stage are thought about the normal sex and reproduction system. They are also given scientific detail to take care of their health in the house hold environment.
Personality & Leadership Development Training for women :
The women from the adopted villages who have leadership quality, women who are interested in marketing field are selected and are send for personality development courses. This also to help built up to carry their work professionally & efficiently.
Cultural activity for women :
The activities like funfare, craft education, games, allocation gives the women a platform to express their hidden talent. The foundation aims to select the talented women and help them carry on their talent for earning professionally.
Empowerment of women through awareness program :
The women from different sectors of the society have different needs in their day to day life and according to their requirement the foundation takes awareness program in the following subject.
Personal Development
Training of self employment
Knowledge of marketing
Knowledge of banking
Importance of Decision making
Provide information regarding legislations
Awareness for their own Human rights
Importance of women involvement in Panchayat Raj system
Discussion's taken for women to fight against injustice from the Society.
Family Life Education :
“Above all a woman is the backbone of every family”. To emphasize the importance of a women equal effortful involvement in the family which leads to the family’s stability, progress and happiness. The women are given several lectures for their family welfare. For the same the foundation also have Family counseling centre.
Women meetings :

The foundations arrange the get-together of the women in between 2 to 3 villages. The Women come together and share their knowledge, resent happening in their village, their different day to day experiences thus a get together is encouraging their optimistic attitude, and full of enthusiasm for work family and the society.
Self Help Group :
Formation of Professional Groups and developing their business a head.
A women can stop bad habits (alcohol, smoking & Drugs) in the family :
The women are brought together by the foundation who experience alcohol, drug abuse by their husbands. This session teaches them how to reduced and stop the bad habits of their husbands and family members. This counseling session also teaches them how to behave and to handle the situation tactfully.